Proto-Danksharding Poised to Revolutionize Ethereum Rollup Costs

Zero-knowledge (ZK) proof solutions have played a crucial role in the Ethereum ecosystem’s scalability, but Consensys’ zkEVM Linea head, Nicolas Liochon, anticipates that proto-danksharding will bring about a significant reduction in rollup costs. During Korea Blockchain Week, in an exclusive conversation with Cointelegraph Magazine editor Andrew Fenton, Liochon projected that proto-danksharding, also known as Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP) EIP-4844, could potentially slash rollup costs by tenfold. EIP-4844 aims to address the cost issues associated with rollups, a technology that aggregates transactions and data off-chain while providing computational proof to the Ethereum blockchain. However, the Ethereum Foundation has yet to announce … Continue reading Proto-Danksharding Poised to Revolutionize Ethereum Rollup Costs