Former US President Donald Trump’s Ethereum Wallet Surges to $2.8 Million

The disclosure comes as Trump, after his defeat by President Joe Biden in 2020, is aiming for a White House comeback in the 2024 election.

Former US President Donald Trump’s Ethereum wallet has been revealed to contain more than $2.8 million, according to a newly disclosed financial statement.

Released on August 14 by the nonprofit watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, the statement exposes that Trump accrued over $4.8 million through licensing fees linked to nonfungible token (NFT) collections that utilized his image.

His crypto-related endeavors, in total, brought in approximately $7.6 million.

This sum stowed in Trump’s Ethereum wallet significantly surpasses the previously stated figure of $250,000 to $500,000, which was disclosed in an April 14 filing.

The disclosure comes as Trump, after his defeat by President Joe Biden in 2020, is aiming for a White House comeback in the 2024 election.

However, this financial revelation is accompanied by a shadow cast by Trump’s indictment in Georgia on August 14. The charges revolve around allegations of Trump and his supporters plotting to disrupt the 2020 presidential election.

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Despite his financial successes in the crypto sphere, Trump’s historical skepticism towards digital currencies lingers.

He has questioned the legitimacy of cryptocurrencies, labeling them as potentially “fake” and foreseeing a “disaster waiting to happen.”

Notably, he has expressed distaste for Bitcoin, deeming it a “scam” and expressing his concern about its competition with the US dollar.

In essence, Trump’s Ethereum wallet now holds over $2.8 million, a sum that dwarfs previous estimates.

This disclosure coincides with his aspiration to reclaim the presidency in 2024, despite the backdrop of legal challenges.

Amid his financial accomplishments within the cryptocurrency realm, his enduring skepticism towards digital currencies remains palpable, particularly in his criticisms of Bitcoin’s viability and potential impact on traditional fiat currencies.

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