
Bitcoin Trader Recovers $13,000 Mistaken NFT Purchase Thanks to Seller’s Generosity

The trader, expressing regret over what they described as their "biggest mistake" in Bitcoin-based NFT trading, shared their story on X on March 1.

A Bitcoin Ordinals trader recently recounted their unfortunate experience of mistakenly purchasing a nonfungible token (NFT) valued at $13,000 on the Bitcoin network.

The trader, expressing regret over what they described as their “biggest mistake” in Bitcoin-based NFT trading, shared their story on X on March 1.

Initially believing they had acquired the NFT for 0.021 Bitcoin (BTC), equivalent to approximately $1,287, the trader was taken aback upon realizing post-transaction that the actual listing price was 0.21 BTC, or around $12,877.

Feeling embarrassed and disheartened, the trader acknowledged that their oversight resulted in another party benefiting greatly.

They chose to disclose their mishap to caution fellow traders about the importance of verifying digital asset transactions prior to finalizing them.

Although the trader had come to terms with the loss, Dan Anderson, the NFT’s seller, came across the post on X and promptly offered to refund the funds.

Anderson, identifying himself as the seller, had already initiated a buyback offer in the marketplace at the original listing price of 0.21 BTC.

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Encouraging the trader to accept the offer, Anderson emphasized his intention not to take advantage of an inadvertent error.

“I listed it at 0.21 BTC because it’s dank not to fish for a fat finger. I was like ‘huzzah’ tho until I saw your post,” Anderson conveyed.

Following the acceptance of the buyback offer, the funds were promptly returned to the trader, and the NFT was relisted in the market at the original price of 0.21 BTC.

While this trader was fortunate enough to recover their funds, not all recipients of mistakenly sent crypto display a willingness to return the money.

Recent court documents revealed that on Feb. 26, the Australian crypto exchange OTCPro mistakenly credited a user with $653,000 instead of $65,300 due to an error.

Despite attempts to reach out, the user has not responded to communications or appeared in court.

This incident echoes past cases, such as the couple who received $10.5 million in error from Crypto.com in 2022 and opted to spend the funds on luxury items instead of returning them.

Subsequently, legal actions were taken, resulting in consequences for those involved, as evidenced by Thevamanogari Manivel’s sentence of 18 months of community corrections and her husband’s guilty plea to a theft charge in December 2023.

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