EOS Is Becoming a Climate Positive Network That Will Offset Its Energy Consumption by 3x

EOS’ decision to go fully green, and sail under the banner of carbon positivity, has not been a unilateral decision.

The evolution of EOS is continuing apace with news that the proof-of-stake chain is to become carbon positive. The term may not be familiar to the average blockchain user, being synonymous with environmentally-minded corporations committed to ESG. It essentially means going above and beyond the minimum required to offset an organization’s carbon consumption by over-compensating through funding sequestration efforts elsewhere. In EOS’ case, it will be offsetting its energy by a factor of 3x.

Carbon reduction can assume many forms, with tree planting being one of the most popular methods. In each instance, the goal is to counter the carbon that is used, in this instance from the energy demands of a blockchain network. In the case of EOS, this primarily entails running the nodes required to validate transactions and keep a decentralized record of activity across multiple servers. 242 tonnes of CO2 is consumed by EOS each year, but this has been offset since 2018 and will henceforth be offset threefold.

Upland and Aerial Lend Their Support

EOS’ decision to go fully green, and sail under the banner of carbon positivity, has not been a unilateral decision. On the EOS side, the chain’s primary developer, EOS Network Foundation, has led the move, but there’s also been support from Upland and Aerial. Upland is a metaverse superapp that also has a track record of assisting EOS in its carbon offsetting up until now. Aerial, meanwhile, is a sustainability platform that is no stranger to environmental causes.

“Partnering with the EOS Network Foundation and Upland in this climate positive initiative is an important milestone in the sustainability journey of the blockchain industry,” said Aerial CEO Andreas Homer, commending “such forward-thinking organizations that are dedicated to environmental responsibility and making significant positive changes.”

It appears that after embracing the climate positive ideology, EOS will endeavor to attract projects committed to sustainability and environmental initiatives. On its green and performant chain, they will receive a warm welcome from architects EOS Network Foundation as well as other developers who share these values. 

EOS Comes of Age

On September 21, EOS Network Foundation celebrated the one-year anniversary of EOS’ “independence.” A year ago, the EOS community voted to migrate from the old codebase and transition to Antelope Leap, freeing itself of the baggage associated with the former regime. A series of EOS NFTs have recently been minted to mark the milestone.

As it continues to forge its own trajectory, EOS is showing that it can differentiate itself from the numerous other smart contract chains out there, championing unique use cases and forging communities united by shared values and goals. After going carbon positive, EOS can justifiably claim to be the world’s greenest blockchain network. It might not have begun life as an environmentalist’s dream, but five years on, it’s evolved into something far more novel than its original architects could have imagined.

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