Dusk Network launches Daylight testnet as it upgrades staking contract

At launch, the Daylight testnet will hit the deck running, with more than 100 nodes.

Since the first Daybreak testnet released in March this year, Dusk Network developers have been working hard to iron out bugs and improve quality and usability. Now, with the launch of the second, Daylight testnet, many improvements have been integrated.

Upgraded Staking Contract

The new Daylight testnet will enable network participants to make transactions for the first time. Together with the wider blockchain community, they will help to stress-test the network and give feedback on performance and potential improvements.

At launch, the Daylight testnet will hit the deck running, with more than 100 nodes. All these nodes will be integrated into the network and will have no adverse impact on stability. More community nodes will be onboarded going into the near future.

The community participation on the Daylight testnet is not quite ready yet, given that the Dusk team will first test network resilience with purposely malicious nodes in addition to some community-run nodes.

More Improvements 

Significantly faster CLI wallet

A new command line interface wallet incorporates faster synchronisation times and has a stable cache mechanism which fetches user balances quickly. This update will resolve connectivity issues.

Block Explorer Tweaks

The TPS statistic has been replaced to show the total number of transactions in the last 100 blocks, and in addition, gas expenditures can now be tracked in real time.

Community involvement

Dusk Network’s team would love to see the community become more involved with testing by making transactions. Also, the team welcomes feedback on the CLI wallet. The newest version of the wallet is available on Linux and macOS, and can be downloaded here.

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